Inspiration, progress and thoughts

A stream of updates, thoughts, images, and videos. Posted here first, then syndicated to bluesky, pinksky, instagram and mastodon.

#Genuary put me on a roll, and I miss it. Everywhere I look I see inspiration for new pieces. So I decided to create a weekly(ish) work and pen-plot a series of iterations.

Here's the first one: “Keeping it together”.

After adding a lot of extra modules to my toolkit during #genuary2025, I'm now polishing up everything. One of them is an Okhsl picker, and while testing its performance against HSL and other spaces, it became clear how bad HSL actually is when using it with interpolations. #colorpicker


Day 24 of #genuary2025: “Geometric art - pick either a circle, rectangle, or triangle and use only that geometric shape.”

Catching up on the days I didn't have the time to make an entry. Here are circles, circles, and, again, more circles.



Day 28 of #genuary2025: “Infinite Scroll.”

An infinite scroll through the Y-axis of a stretched Perlin noise field.

This was tough since my library isn't very good at animating stuff. It's focused on calculating geometries for SVG (penplotters) and Gcode (3D printing).



Day 27 of #genuary2025: “Make something interesting with no randomness or noise or trig.”

The individual numbers of PI translate to the number of lines per tile and the rotation of the second layer.



Day 16 of #genuary2025: “Generative palette.”

I've never had to think about generating pleasing colour palettes consistently, so my first attempts were epic failures. But this one is pretty great I think. Almost no eye sores.

