Inspiration, progress and thoughts

A stream of updates, thoughts, images, and videos. Posted here first, then syndicated to bluesky, pinksky, instagram and mastodon.

Day 24 of #genuary2025: “Geometric art - pick either a circle, rectangle, or triangle and use only that geometric shape.”

Catching up on the days I didn't have the time to make an entry. Here are circles, circles, and, again, more circles.



Day 28 of #genuary2025: “Infinite Scroll.”

An infinite scroll through the Y-axis of a stretched Perlin noise field.

This was tough since my library isn't very good at animating stuff. It's focused on calculating geometries for SVG (penplotters) and Gcode (3D printing).



Day 16 of #genuary2025: “Generative palette.”

I've never had to think about generating pleasing colour palettes consistently, so my first attempts were epic failures. But this one is pretty great I think. Almost no eye sores.



Day 11 of #genuary2025: “Impossible day - Try to do something that feels impossible for you to do. Maybe it is impossible. Maybe it’s too ambitious. Maybe it’s something you know nothing about how to accomplish.

3D printing with clay is surprisingly idiosyncratic. Generating custom—and possibly non-planar—#gcode for it always seemed like the dream. It has become a reality, and now I can generate Gcode using my 2D #svg drawing toolkit.

This is a stylized preview render with depth of field of a Gcode toolpath. It's a series of 2D shapes evaluated in 3D space, projected in a 3D isometric space, and rendered in 2D svg.
